Wednesday 24 March 2010

Bands Make More Money Selling a T-Shirt Than A CD

Being a musician today is a scenario very different from ten, twenty or thirty years. If you're in this business, I do not. We must all work song Pistols approximately two weeks before the progress of R $ 75,000 A & M Records in the song "Rock 'N' roll scam?" It's just not happening. Tag a decade destruction, frankly, all tags are rust buckets from the economic model and can not fly today. The group has been developing economic and the art of our hands and not wait for an attack on the label and take. This rarely happens, and if so, the terms of this agreement is usually a break complex. By my calculation, some links from major labels destroyed most promising bands in recent years than stimulated. Fair enough, Dirk, you can tell, but only as a band sodding rock singer aspiring to go to make their own? Many of the children in the biz with a vision of income and dance of birds in their minds, after all, not like the idea of roughing it. First, each zone must be bound to what is needed. This means that Roadies their own, eating Ramen noodles and served as promotion of their own. Share a room, buy property and use it for yourself and the equipment to carry television. Stay away by Uncle Mac! Nothing wrong with busking in his spare time, he served as an effective alternative to the booklet (but be sure to use the turn-shirt and CD are available). Hire a company director. As a director in place, people wishing to operate as a business relationship. In The People will put their performance, manage your finances, such as campaign shirts, pins, hats and CD and operation of the table shows Merche. Once you have a positive cash flow, its members can be made moderate. In operation all, take care of details, but does not interfere with other aspects of creativity (such as labels), the band played, but the director makes us and grow. About the author:

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