Friday 10 December 2010

The Psoas Major Muscle: the Forgotten Hip Flexor

Posted: 07 Dec 2010 10:28 PM PST

In a perfect world, this Blog would consist of 70% training articles (including track, plyometric and weight workoiuts), 20% on recovery and regeneration, and 10% on nutrition and supplements.  That's my rough estimate (and I mean rough) on a successful training program.

That being said, I talked endlessly on the importance of the hips in sprinting.  I also mentioned the use of foam rollers and various stretching techniques for this area of the muscles.

Without going into detail on PALO (more on that in another article), I have to stress the importance of the Psoas Major muscle.  Recovery, stretching and massaging this muscle is just as important as your hip flexor, glutes, and hamstrings.

Anterior_Hip_Muscles_2In short, the psoas muscle is part of a group of muscles called the hip flexors which links the trunk to the legs.  It connects the lower back to the thighs.  Technically, it originates from the lunbar vertebrae (I to IV)  and inserts on the top of the femur.  The psoas major is responsible for flexion and external rotation in the hip joint

Sometimes this muscle is grouped with the Iliacus and psoas minor.

That being said, there are several ways to stretch and massage the psoas major muscle, including:

  1. standing stretch
  2. supine stretching
  3. deep tissue massage
  4. massage with balls

Standing Stretch


Supine Stretching


Deep Tissue Massage



Massage with Balls

These balls are also good for your toolkit when a foam roller just isn't enough.  The technique is the same, but you lie face down.


Porcupine Massage Ball

J Fit Mini Massage Balls, Set of 3

Complete Speed Training

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