Monday 23 May 2011

SpeedEndurance Turns 4, New Logo in the Works?

Posted: 23 May 2011 01:15 AM PDT

This Blog turned 4 years old on May 21, 2011.  I remember that day clearly in 2007 (which was Victoria Day in Canada) when I was using Wordpress as my CMS and had a some "chapters" of the book I never wrote.  I was losing track of loose Word documents with no way of searching or hyperlinking for reference.

I decided to take the Blog out of the internal server and make it public.  If I could help just one person set a PR, then I knew my mission was accomplished.  After all, that's why we read and write books, no?  To share knowledge?

A lot has changed in 4 years with YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.  Thus my biggest goal this year is to add more videos and a live bi-monthly webinar.  I think everyone learns at a different pace and it varies by media.  Some like to read, some like to watch videos, some like slide shows, and some like hands on instructions.

So as we enter year 5, I hope to reach a larger audience, as there are just so many bad coaches out there (and so much trash on the Internet).  Don't get me wrong, these coaches aren't bad people, just misinformed individuals.

New Sites, New Books

There are plenty of projects coming up in parallel with SpeedEndurance.  The Bud Winter 1963 Classic Rocket Sprint Start is in the final edits, so you'll be seeing the updated version written by yours truly.  The next step is updating Relax and Win.

As well, I'll also be introducing several new websites in the upcoming weeks.

One is the newly revamped Harry Jerome Track Classic with the meet being held July 1, 2011 as part of the national Track League..  When I was living in Vancouver, I used to attend and film these meets (the early videos were part of this Blog).  Today, we have FloCast as well as several of the attendees uploading their athletes on their YouTube Channels.

Another site is with my former track club's head coach Derek Hansen, and it will focus on Strength, Power and Speed training.  I occasionally dab into weight and power training on this Blog, but it's time to take it to the next level.  There are plenty of experts in that field beyond my scope of functional training.

Why Doesn't SpeedEndurance have a Logo?

Next to workout programs and nutrition advice, the most common email I get is:

Why doesn't have a logo?

It's not that I can't afford a graphic designer, even though I had to increase my hosting package 3 times in the past 4 years for excessive traffic (Doh!).  I will have to upgrade again as I'm maxing out on my 100 Gb limit of bandwidth a month!  And I don't host my videos!  (and you wonder why I ask for donations!)

For those who care, I don't have a logo because I wanted the simplicity of a "Craigslist" type site where content, functionality and community are important, and not a flashy banner logo.  I don't need to impress any marketing folks with a banner as I'm no longer raising money for my track club.  (I have since moved to Rome, Italy from Vancouver, Canada)

Before I buy retail, I always check Craigslist if someone is selling the exact same part I need locally.  Why not create a win-win situation?

It's the same idea with advice or workout ideas.  This Blog has plenty of articles and videos that will answer your question, or at least inspire you to find the right one.  At last count, there are over 1200 articles, all searchable by category, tags, archives, or just use the "search" function.

But I am changing my stance now, only because I've had a few simple ideas for a logo.  Don't worry, it will be simple.  If you've seen my graphs and charts, you can guess my 2 favourite colours.

And so, I will be introducing a logo in the next few weeks.

I think a lot of readers won't care, because it's the content and ideas that matter, and not a flashy logo, right?

Hopefully, a logo will reduce the number of emails I get regarding this topic!

Onwards and upwards as we enter Year 5.  I think a lot of people OVERESTIMATE what they can do in 6 months, but UNDERESTIMATE what they can do in 5 years.  Be like Scotty in Star Trek:  under promise and over deliver.

Complete Speed Training

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