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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

400 meter Hurdle Training: Identifying Potential Athletes (Part 1)

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 01:00 AM PDT

This 3 part series article is guest blogged by Jim Hiserman, author of the books Program Design Method for Sprints & Hurdle Training and Strength and Power for Maximum Speed.  Part 2 will discuss the 3 groups, and Part 3 will look at Sprint Performance Factors.

Identifying Potential Long Hurdlers

Identifying athletes who may have the potential for success in the 400/ 300 Hurdles begins with examining the physical attributes of athletes to see if they have the Bio-Motor factors required for success in the long hurdle races. The long hurdle races require much more than Speed Endurance and modest hurdling skill.

An examination of research and literature reveals that the same Bio-Motor abilities required for high level sprinters and jumpers is required for both short (110m and 100m) and long hurdlers. Elite long hurdlers display a rare blend of the Absolute Speed of a sprinter, Dynamic Mobility (especially in the hips) of a High Hurdler and Speed Endurance /Special Endurance of 400/800 runners. In addition, they have the innate steering abilities required of high level horizontal jumpers as well as the ability to maintain a consistent rhythm and efficient speed distribution pattern throughout the race distance.

In describing the physical and mental characteristics of successful long hurdlers, veteran 400 Hurdles Coach Ralph Lindeman states that the event "requires a combination of speed-endurance and hurdling skills along with a unique stride pattern between hurdles that requires special concentration throughout the race".1

Physical and Mental Attributes Of Potential Long Hurdlers

Scott Roberts, Women's Sprint/Hurdles Coach at Alabama listed the Attributes, Selection Criteria and Performance Qualities of potential long hurdle competitors in his recent clinic notes2. Among the physical attributes at the top of his list were:

  1. strength of an 800 runner,
  2. hurdling ability of a sprint hurdler and
  3. visual steering ability of a horizontal jumper.

He points out that successful competitors have come from sprint, hurdle, jump and middle distance athletes.  Thus his Selection Criteria included the following:

  1. Sprint ability. SPEED is the primary limiting factor in any speed/power event.
  2. STRENGTH, with a mix of Absolute/Maximal Strength and Strength Endurance.
  3. Dynamic Mobility with special emphasis on the hips for efficiency in the hurdling movement.
  4. Aggressive Mental Attitude required to maintain concentration need to maintain the stride pattern and race distribution patterns throughout the race effort.

Polish coach and researcher, Janusz Iskra3, divides potential long hurdlers into three groups for the purpose of devising training programs specific to the various individual physical attributes. He feels that by dividing the hurdlers into 3 groups:

  1. Motor (speed or speed endurance),
  2. Technical (400H or 110/100HH)
  3. Somatic (short or tall)

… he can best structure their training programs for specific strengths and weaknesses. In his view the ideal type of elite 400 hurdlers is hybrid of three different Bio-Motor abilities: Speed, Endurance and Rhythm although he states that this is, in theory only, as even the best 400 hurdlers do not show equal abilities in both technical and motor abilities.

A good example of different 400mH is comparing Edwin Moses (76, 84 OG, 47.02 former WR) and Kevin Young (92 OG, 46.78WR).  Moses was the first hurdler to successfully run the entire race on a 13 stride pattern.  Young was a 110mH walk-on at UCLA who switched to the 400mH and perfected a 12 and 13 stride pattern through various parts of the race.

And then you have 400mH like Angelo Taylor (47.25) or Kerron Clement (47.24) who can run the open 400 meters in low 44 and are often in the 4×400m relay pool.

About the Author

Jim Hiserman's is the author of the Program Design Method for Sprints & Hurdle Training and Strength and Power for Maximum Speed.  His other published articles on this site include:

  1. A Total Sprint-Training Program for Maximum Strength & Power, Core Strength, and Maximum Sprint Speed (5 Part series)
  2. A Sprint & Hurdles Program Design Overview
  3. Training for Development of Maximum Speed
  4. Basic and Advanced Technical Models, including Proper Execution of Key Drills
  5. Speed throughout the Training Year
  6. 400 Meter Training: Greater Strength = Faster Times (3 Part Series)
  7. 400 Meter Training- Blending Short-to-Long and Long-to-Short Methods (2 Part Series)
  8. Speed Training: Developing a Sound Philosophy
  9. How to Improve Acceleration Part 4
  10. Summer Sprint Training: Important Variables to Consider 


[1] 400 Meter Hurdle Theory, Ralph Lindeman, (US Air Force Academy/USATF Men’s Hurdle Development Coordinator), Track Coach #131, 1995, re-printed in 2007 by USTCCCA Magazine.
[2] Theory & Training for the 400m Hurdles, Scott Roberts (Univ. of Alabama), Notes from: Presentation for the Illinois State T&F Coaches Clinic, Jan. 2010.
[3] Principles of 400m Hurdle Training, Janusz Iskra,et. al, Presentation for 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference, Melbourne, Australia; March 2006.

Complete Speed Training

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Monday, 8 August 2011

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100 meters Sprinting Mechanics, Side View

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 01:00 AM PDT

Here is a slow motion rail-cam view from the 2011 Monaco Diamond League Men's100 meters.  It's a great instructional video, and there are a lot of take home messages and a few aha moments too.

Just a recap, we have Nesta Carter on the outside lane with a blazing start, and Usain Bolt is playing ketchup.  (i.e. catch-up).  It's not until the last 10 meters where Bolt wins the race.  Stride for stride, he gains a few inches every time.  The video shows the last 60 meters or so of the race.

Here are some notes that I observed, and a few changes that could be improved upon.  Note: The video doesn't show the smooth transition from the drive phase to the max velocity phase.  Oh well. 

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  1. Eyes.  You should be focused at the end of your lane, aka "tunnel vision".  No peeking side to side.  Unless you are 100% sure you have won.
  2. Head.  In line with the spine, high and straight. 
  3. Chin.  Should be down but not out or else you will strain the neck.
  4. Face.  Relaxed with no tension.  Mouth relaxed, even a flopping jaw with cheeks flopping..
  5. Shoulders.  Should be normal and not down nor up.  You should see a long neck.  In this video, Usain appears to have his shoulders higher than normal as compared to 2008 or 2009.
  6. Reminder: There should be no signs of straining or tension in the above.
  7. Upper Back.  No Hunchback of Notre Dame here.  Relaxed and square.
  8. Arms.  Hands should go towards midline near at face or chin level on the upswing.  On backswing, it could brush your vest if you have a loose vest.  You may even knock off your hip number.  I think Asafa has one of the best arm mechanics out there, as he has such great synchronicity with the arms and legs.  You will also notice Usain Bolt's right hand does not come up as high as compared to his left hand.  This can be seen back in 2008 or 2009.
  9. Elbows.  Drive down, not back with elbows.  As you can see, it is impossible to keep them locked at 90 degrees, especially on the back swing with the forces being generated.  Focus on hands and synchronicity with the arms.
  10. Hands.  Relaxed!  The fingers are loosely curled with thump on top.  I prefer to have a loose clenched fist, but more and more people like the open hand.   Whatever you choose, stay relaxed! 
  11. Hips.  Note the slight forward rotation of the hip with each forward leg.  This is where you can gain the extra inch, and 40 strides can make a meter difference! (click here for that article)  It's really hard to see in this video, as an above head shot would clearly show what I am talking about.
  12. Feet. With all the talk about stride rate and stride frequency being the top 2 variables in determining sprint speed, you really have to consider the force that one pushes against the ground AND how long one applies that force (i.e. ground contact time). Note the foot landing is directly under the Center of Mass (COM).  Note the “long” ground contact time, and the strong push off from the balls of the feet right up to the toes!  Arms and elbows should in synchronicity with these actions.  These world class sprinters all have super stiff spike plates.  While the video shows a braking effect (which will happen if you over stride), they are actually clawing the ground with such huge forces while pulling the ground under you .  The feet should be pointing forward straight down the lane (see article on Sprinters being pigeon-toed)
  13. Legs.  Note how fully extended the rear leg pushing off the track with up to the toes.  Note the drive the leg forward with a high knee action, but not to parallel as some coaches insist.  Why?  Because your hips would drop too much.  Also note how tight the angle is with the upper and lower leg on the forward leg drive.  A shorter pendulum will swing faster.  Notice where the dorsiflexion, and it's a lot later than you think.
  14. Overall:  Staying Tall, Relaxed and Smooth with the optimal stride rate and stride length for the maximum drive and distance.

Anyways, this is only a summary, and a whole thesis could be written on proper stride mechanics after the drive phase.

The above is a quick checklist when I'm watching a training session or a race.  The only thing missing is sound, and sometimes you can tell when the athlete is landing heavy.  If there is an imbalance, or some incorrect mechanics, then it could be a sign that can lead to soft tissue damage down the road.  So it's best to address it early while you can.

Coaching is more of an Art than Science sometimes.

And a lot of Psychology for certain athletes!  (You know who they are!)

Complete Speed Training